Thursday, March 12, 2009

What's Your Life's Mission?

You Are the Artist
You are unique and inspired. You aren't happy unless you are making art of some sort.
Almost anything can be a catalyst for your creativity. You find the whole world stimulating.

You have beautiful visions, and you're good at expressing them. You like people to see what you see.
You also have an inventor's spirit. You're always thinking up new ideas and concepts.
What's Your Life's Mission?

Sounds okay to me. Writing is a form of art, right? I especially agree with this: "Almost anything can be a catalyst for your creativity. You find the whole world stimulating.". That characteristic can be quite distracting though...:/

Oh, I haven't posted in days because I've been devouring fanfics. I promised myself I'd never be a Twilight fangirl, but here I am obcessing over a ship...At least it's not canon...*yay for rebell old me* x)

it's Jacob/Leah. Okay, there, it's out. I really like Leah, and I'm no fond on the whole Nessie storyline (sorry if you are), and I like Jacob a lot too, and that's it.

And I really like Leah/Rosalie friendship and Leah/Jasper friendshp. Some very good fics out there :)

(Oh, no, wait, I kinda already shipped for this fandom before too...again, non-canon, it's Alice/Bella...all thanks to [info]fembuck . She always manages to make me interested in new fandoms with her fics.)

Bye bye :)

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