Saturday, March 7, 2009

It is so beautiful outside and I am ugly inside

I wish I had what I needed to be on my own, cause I feel so defeated and I'm feeling alone.  I can't get out of bed. I am lonely. It's scary how many people in my life claim they love me, and how much that doesn't matter. And it all seems so helpless, and I have no plans.  I wanted to learn this sadness on the guitar but my brother broke two strings. I know he plays it shirtless to giggly girls on cam. Sometimes I think I want to go to college. But lately, more often than not I just want to be with someone. And you know, I thought it was someone specific. And I thought that it was a sentiment returned. But now I don't know, and it scares me. I think I do but just don't want to. To have been so foolishly enamored by it all. Am I so naive? Did I want it so much it was blinding? It could never make me happy. No one could. And you know, I don't need anyone to. I don't have a James but I don't want one. No one should be with a girl like me. I feel stuck watching history repeating. I feel like I've lived this day a million times before and it's just so exhausting. Yeah, I DON'T LIKE IT TOO. I don't like this painful drama and questioning. It hurts. Yeah, I annoy myself too. You hurt me. Yeah, who am I? Just a kid who knows she is needy. 

Let me know that you hear me 
Let me know your touch 
Let me know that you love me 
And let that be enough 

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