Friday, March 6, 2009


I didn't write in this last night so today I'm going to write twice in one day!
First I'll start off talking about yesterday. Then later on, I'll talk about today!
Yesterday, I spent my morning with, Steve. It was nice. He looked so cute in his sweatshirt.
Even though he doesn't like wearing big clothes. He wears it around me sometime because, he knows, I like it on him.
We hung out at his place for a while.
He's so ticklish, you have no idea.
Then we went to Panera Bread, he's such a slow eater. I always finish before him. Even if he started two hours before hand!
Haha, Okay, that's an exaggeration.
After that I went to school, so I could finish off a test I had to take in History. Lame.
It was 60 questions, and then a 5 paragraph essay.
My teacher is on NyQul!!!!!
Err, I think that's how you spell it.
Afterward, I had to take a plane to get here. Ugh. Planes!
I'm really afraid of heights. However, I wanted to get over my fear, so I sat next to the window and I forced myself to look outside.
I couldn't look when the plane was going up though.
It's like I feel if I move, or if someone touches me. I'm going to fly off and DIE!
I know, I'm strange.
Anyways, I held on alright though, I was proud of what I had accomplished.
Then, the perfect moment happened. I got to see my brother!
It was so lovely. I was so happy. It was perfect.
I can't wait to see him again later!
I went to bed last night thinking about, Joshua.
I had talked to him since I last wrote on here.
He's okay. But, he's in a lot of plain.
That makes me so sad. I don't want him to be in pain.
He doesn't deserve pain.
He deserves only the best happiness can bring.
I hope that soon, he'll feel better.
After all. He is a lion. :)
I'm off to go eat breakfast. See you later!

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