Saturday, March 7, 2009

The weather was beautiful today. I was forced to watch the sun come up as this was yet another weekend where my neighbor upstairs decided to blast his music as I suppose he slept. I was up before five o'clock, and could not force myself back to sleep. So I got up, made coffee and whittled away the morning hours by playing my new favorite video game.

The rest of the day was fairly boring. I started what I guess I should call spring cleaning, since it was almost eighty degrees outside. I raised the windows, which my two cats just loved. Winter is far and away my favorite season, but the time I did get to spend outside today reminded me how much I love the spring days and nights as well.

Later in the evening I spent time with a friend of mine online, who declared she missed me in both worlds. I had a nice enough time. But the hour is growing late, and she's already left to sleep. Given we'll be losing an hour tonight, I suppose I should as well. I hope he had a nice day, and a good game tonight. Goodnight Sir.

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