Saturday, March 7, 2009

This girl at the gym annoyed me today. I did hack squats, which is this crazy exercise where you put a weighted barbell behind your ankles and, bending at the knees and lower back, thrust upward. It's murder on your quadriceps. In 10 years of lifting, last week and today was the first time I'd ever done them. Every time I'd seen them done before, I thought that it had to put a terrible strain on your lower back. Well, I discovered last week that not ONLY are they awesome on your quads, but that if you do them right that there's relatively no pressure on your lower back. So, awesome.

(Really, these things feel amazing. Maybe never doing them is the reason I have such lousy quads.)

Anyway, this girl sees me doing them today and tells me that I'm putting myself at risk. No, "What does that do?" or "doesn't that stress out your lower back?" But seriously telling me like I'm some gym douchebag who doesn't know a barbell from a dumbbell. I mean, seriously. Some 110 lb girl is going tell me about weightlifting? Sheesh.

(Granted, she's a cardio fiend and has an awesome body-fat percentage, but that doesn't really qualify your to be a weightlifting expert.)

I mean, it's one thing to give some friendly advince, it's another thing to say, "Well, it would suck if you never walked again." (She seriously said that.) Oh, brother. Maybe I'll bench press her and see if she can cardio her way out of that.

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